Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Announcing Upcoming Sequel!

Did you enjoy reading Journey of Grace? Could you relate to Grace in her struggles and her desire to grow in her walk with God? 

I am excited to announce the upcoming sequel to Journey of Grace!

For those of you who have read Journey of Grace, you probably remember Grace's brother Mark. In my next book (Pressing Toward the Mark) you'll enjoy reading the heart gripping and thought provoking story about Mark's journey with the Lord.

And now...a little peak at the story line!

Mark Evans is heartbroken after his relationship with the woman he planned to marry is terminated. His dreams and pursuits for the future suddenly seem unimportant and muddled. Leaving his hometown for the unknown, he seeks a fresh start and time to think.

Putting the miles between him and home seems to make things better, but still that ugly truth remains hidden under layers of thoughts he doesn't want to think about. Why did she have to end their courtship? Why did his recent lack of boldness in sharing Christ have to be a deal breaker?

Though far from home, and the young lady he loves, Denver, Colorado brings him face to face with his failure. When a close friend unexpectedly dies, Mark is faced with the painful fact that he had never shared the gospel with him. He had failed again. Now he would never have another chance. 

An extended stay at a family-run hotel, an adventurous, spunky friend who introduces him to rock climbing, a mysterious business man, a runaway daughter, a forged text message....
A whirlwind of events and people change Mark's perspective forever.

Mark finds that the most important mission in life is to bring souls to Christ...no matter where or who they are.

Stay tuned!!!